YouTube App is now giving In-App Messaging Support

YouTube is rolling out In-App Messaging Support to its mobile app on both Android and iOS platforms(the feature has rolled out to very limited no. of Users till now). In-App messaging is in beta phase lets friends communicate easier with each other while sharing their favorite videos. YouTube In-App MessagingYouTube In-App Messaging

According to the source if a user is having access to In-App Messaging feature than, if he/she  invite their friends into conversations, they’ll receive access to the feature, as well. However, users of social media will find the messenger app very familiar. Texts appear in a window next to the videos shared by friends. As users take a peek at a shared video, they can easily go back to the discussion thread and continue the text conversation.

Also Read:YouTube Coming With 6 Second Bumper Ads on Mobile

Google has been forced to make these changes in its YouTube app. Although YouTube is still the number 1 online video posting service but from last year Facebook and Snapchat is cutting down YouTube’s audience aggressively. Moreover, Even Amazon also announced its own online video posting service yesterday. So now to stay on top YouTube need some more features like this one.

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Sukhraj Singh

He loves writing and always create useful information for users. He writes about Smartphones and other technical stuff. He also writes at and TheGadgetSquare and developed various websites including E-comms, Informational, and blogs.

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