Yahoo has updated its Android app today to version 1.0. Developers have beefed the new version with a new interface and set of features. As earlier Yahoo App focuses primarily on news from over the world whether be it in sports, tech, politics and more. But now you will get Endless visual stream of stories aka endless news list or streaming list.
As above mentioned now when you scroll any news corner it will not end and this made possible by a mobile news app called Summly, which was developed by a teenager from UK called Nick D’Aloisio, and Yahoo acquired it for $30 million.
If you don’t want to mess up with any category of news than you can modify it by from the navigation menu, where the three-line icon in the top left corner is placed. The app has prominent buttons for sharing content to Twitter, Facebook as well as various Android apps.
So overall Yahoo has tweaked its app to make it better and easily usable. To download the latest update head over to the Play Store from the link below.
Source: Yahoo for Android version 1.0