At the Qualcomm Summit in December 2017, Xiaomi’s CEO Lei Jun said that their next flagship will be powered by the then introduced Snapdragon 845 processor. And since then, a huge number of leaks and renders of Xiaomi’s upcoming devices, i.e. Mix 2S and Mi7 circulated on the web. In the latest teaser for the Mix 2S, the company confirmed the presence of wireless charging. Now, a new leak suggests that the Mi 7 will also come with wireless charging support.
The new information regarding the Xiaomi Mi 7 comes courtesy of the above leaked ESB document. The list also includes other smartphones which support wireless charging and therefore, it can be trusted to some extent. The Mix 2S is also listed which will be unveiled by Xiaomi on March 27. However, the launch date of the Mi 7 is still unknown. But, a rumor suggests that the phone will be unveiled in June.
As far as specifications are concerned, the upcoming Xiaomi Mi 7 will be powered by Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 845 processor. The device will come in two variants, one with 6GB RAM and another one with 8GB RAM. It will sport a 6-inch OLED display with an in-screen fingerprint sensor. Finally, it will feature a glass body design as well as dual camera setup like the previous iterations.
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