It will be not at all a false statement to entitle Xiaomi as the slowest among popular OEM’s in seeding Android Oreo to its eligible devices. In fact, the Mi 6, the first one to receive stable MiUI based on Android Oreo perhaps got it just a week ago. Nevertheless, the Chinese firm is gearing up the roll-out to two more devices from its 2016 line-up. The Mi 5 and Mi Note 2 Android Oreo MiUI Global Beta is now available.
Mi 5 Android Oreo Global Beta
The Android Oreo update for this nearly two year device comes wrapped in Xiaomi’s latest skin, the MiUI 9. As an icing on the cake, last month’s but still latest, February security patch is also bundled within the beta.
Here goes the beta changelog:
- Android 8.0 Oreo Update
- Fix – Voice is low during call [02-12]
- Fix – The contents of the notification bar are covered by the black area [02-12]
- Fix – Saved contacts are shown as numbers in call log [02-12]
- Fix – Mobile phone random reboot when using MI mover and MI drop [02-27]
- Fix – Missing Titles for ‘Bookmark’ & ‘Manage Downloads’ for Text Size M [02-27]
- Fix – Colored notifications don’t display correctly [02-27]
Needless to say, the update being beta for Global Mi 5 devices, should have bunch of bugs. If you dare to use your phone with bug-prone software, you’re most welcome to download and flash the below given firmware.
Mi 5 Android Oreo MiUI Global Beta: Download
Mi Note 2 Android Oreo Global Beta
The beta ROM with version number of MIUI 9 Global Beta 8.2.1, bundles all the bells and whistles of Android Oreo. We were unable to source the detailed changelog of the update. However, we can expect the changelog to be similar to the Mi 5 Global beta.
You can download the flashable zip file via this link.
It’s to be noted that, both the beta builds that we’ve provided above ought to be leaked. Since, Xiaomi hasn’t officially confirmed about the roll-out yet. Hence the betas, at least for now will not be available over the air(OTA). For installing, you may need to unlock your bootloader, and then flash the applicable zip via stock recovery or TWRP.