Just before the launch of its flagship device Xiaomi Mi 6. Company launches its New Mi VR Play with the price Tag of 99 Yuan ($14). The headset will become available on April 19. However firs generation of Xiaomi Mi VR Play is priced at $99.
Xiaomi MI VR Play 2 is an affordable way to have fun watching VR applications, 360 degree videos or even play games fully immersed into virtual worlds. The new headset comes with a new, improved material that’s more comfortable when you wear it. It’s also lighter than its predecessor and has certain small holes for better cooling.
Xiaomi is expected to launch its Mi 6 and Mi 6 Plus flagship devices today. The new flagship devices are powered with the latest Snapdragon 835 Soc. We will report you when the phone get Unveiled today Stay Tunned.