SO the Workout Organizer is another just released Application on the Google Play. We will be covering the Pros and the Cons of the App with over the comparisons to other alike applications available on the Play Store.
Unlikely other Fitness App this App has a very clean, clear and easy-to-use user interface which is as friendly as friends on Facebook. Well in other Words there is no hassle using the App even a not so addict android user can use it to the most. The Application Promises to have all the essential features that a Workout App should have while it keeps the user interface simple.
The Application can be operated just as a music player with customizable Playlists, but instead of songs we have Exercises and Workout techniques placed that makes a Good combo. In the free version we have 3 Playlists allowed while in the paid version we have unlimited Playlists we can create according to our state of mind to exercise.
One may never require a gym if he gets used to this App. The Apps best part is in the paid version as we can have Countdown timer set on each exercise(just like on Songs). The Best part of the App is we can Set a Timer Delay between each Exercise. This may lead to accurate results as one needs a break and takes his time to get set for another exercise.
We can create a workout Session and set a specific time for which it should Run and then we can set a few exercises in the Time we allotted to the session. The App also has Customizable sound notification indicating beginning/ending of a workout session additionally with Dual timers indicating remaining time for the current workout session and entire workout set.
Well another very nice and productive feature is the App has a Weight calculator in which we enter the Height and the Calculator displays the Apt weight for the person for males and females separately.One can use this tool once in a while and know if he is Fit and if he is not then again he can use this App to be Fit and healthy !
he App has already Got a nice attention and alot of users have come up with positive reviews. A recent review on the play store by Hung Trinh reads “This app is pretty nice. U can set it up so that ur running and doing situps for days lol.”
We personally like the Apps simple interface and want you to get the App and unleash its capabilities Watch the Video to see what the App promises And you can Get Workout Organizer on Google Play