After Two weeks of href=”” rel=”homepage” target=”_blank” title=”Wikipedia”>Wikipedia’s Official app launched in Android Market. There are about 5,00,000 Downloads and Rating over 4.5 star. Now Developing team has posted describing developing Process.
“Rather than diving into proprietary frameworks and SDKs, our application has been built on the same foundation as the open mobile web. And not only does this allow us to prepare for the future, it also accelerates our ability to develop across numerous platforms.
Within a short amount of time we’ve already developed a testing version of our iOS app with PhoneGap and we’ve established our first complete community port to the BlackBerry PlayBook. This demonstrates the power of using open tools and communities to improve the Internet as a whole and it is a critical component to our long term goals.”
Do you think Wikipedia’s use of PhoneGap foreshadows a shift towards open web-based technologies in favor of natively built apps?