Back in September 2020, OPPO unveiled a new device to the F series named OPPO F17 Pro. The device features 6.43 inches Super AMOLED display with FHD+ resolution and a peak brightness of 800 nits. The MediaTek Helio P95 chipset powers the device. It pairs with 8GB of LPDDR4X RAM and 128GB of UFS 2.1 storage. It weighs around 164 grams and has a thickness of 7.48mm. The device has a quad-rear camera setup with a 48MP primary sensor. It is followed by an 8MP ultra-wide-angle sensor and two 2MP sensors. On the front, it has two sensors that sits inside the dual punch-hole. That is, it has a primary 16MP Sony sensor that pairs with a 2MP depth sensor. All this is backed by a 4015 mAh battery and supports 30W VOOC fast charging tech.
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