In May 2018, Samsung launched the Galaxy J8. The phone carries a 6.0-inch display paired with up to 64GB of storage and 4GB RAM. Under the hood, the device runs on Android 8.0 (Oreo) out of the box, powered by Snapdragon 450 chipset. For shooting purposes, Galaxy J8 houses a 16MP camera on both the front and rear sides. It ships with a 3500 mAh battery that offers 23hours of Talktime and 112 hours of music playback as claimed by Samsung.
Note: This is an update tracker article and will be revised with Samsung Galaxy J8 updates.
As usual, the update is having a phase-wise rollout, it may take some time to reach all the units. Meanwhile, you can head to phone Settings > Software updates > Security updates to check the update manually. We also suggest you switch over to a WiFi network before downloading the update to avoid data charges.