Canonical has Annoucned Ubuntu For Phones today. Full information about Ubuntu Phone OS is now revealed like, apps, design and features. before heading to details let you informa that after announcing Ubuntu for Phone OS, they started timeout for 24 hours with label Tick, Tock Tablet Time!
According to canonical saying it seems that they are trying to find manufacturers to ship with Ubuntu Phone OS, so there’s not an actual phone, but only the platform. Now as we know its here, but what are its features. SO here we are defining them. Ubuntu Phone OS features:
Favorite apps: Dock from side as we informed you about couple of days ago and even Android app of this feature was revealed couple of days ago.
Always running: You can easily scroll apps in the Ubuntu for Phones. In order to access the content you most you can either swipe left or right from the home screen. A full left-to-right swipe reveals a screen showing all your open apps, while a swipe from the right brings you instantly to the last app you were using.
Going back: A swipe from the right edge takes you back to the last app you were using; another swipe takes you back to the app you used before that.
Content, not controls: Swiping up from the bottom edge of the phone reveals app controls.
Other features:
- Phone becomes a full PC and thin client when docked
- Faster to run, faster to use and fits perfectly into the Ubuntu family.
- all-native core apps and no Java overhead,
- Ubuntu runs well on entry-level smartphones
For Developers Ubuntu Phone OS provides:
- Can Create gorgeous native apps or lightweight HTML5 apps easily with our SDK.
Ubuntu phones aren’t yet available for purchase, but we are ready to start working with partners with an aim to releasing phones before the end of 2013.You can see Ubuntu for phones demonstrated at the Ubuntu booth at CES next week and we’ll be showing it again at MWC in Barcelona in February.
Its seems that Ubuntu aka its partner Canonical is going to announce something more tomorrow. What it going to be? Tablet OS? Share your views via comments. Next up is Ubuntu for Android. So Stay Connected.
Source: Ubuntu