Team Win Recovery Program has released a new update for the TWRP recovery. The new update has added a compatibility with many new devices, counting to exactly 17 devices.
Custom recoveries like TWRP and others allows you to flash custom ROMs on your device. So, the support of these to the new devices allows users the ability to install different ROM than stock. Further, it can be used to install different Mods.
The biggies that got space in the new update list are the LeEco Le Pro 3 and Xiaomi Mi 6 and few others. The popular ones are Android One 4th Generation, Le Pro 3 and others. Here’s the full list of devices that have got the support of TWRP:
- Razer Forge TV (pearlyn)
- Xiaomi Mi 6 (sagit)
- LeEco Le Pro 3 (zl1)
- Android One Fourth Generation (GM6ssprout)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 LTE 2016 (gts210velte)
- Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini Exynos (kminilte)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab E SM-T377P (gtesqltespr)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab E SM-T560NU (gtelwifiue)
- Samsung Galaxy J5 3G SM-J500H (j53gxx)
- Samsung Galaxy J5 LTE SM-J5008 (j5nltechn)
- Samsung Galaxy J5 LTE SM-J500F (j5ltexx)
- Samsung Galaxy J5 LTE SM-J500FN (j5nltexx)
- Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime SM-G530MU (gprimeltezt)
- Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime SM-G530FZ (gprimeltexx)
- Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime SM-S920L (gprimeltetfnvzw)
- Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime SM-G530P (gprimeltespr)
- Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime SM-G530T/T1/W (gprimelte)
Source: Teamwin