Google is rolling out Android 7.0 Nougat on Nexus devices. Google has developed the Android 7.0 nougat with the input of thousands of developers and fans from all over the world. nougat contains 250 major features, But the most highlighted and most used features which effect your daily use are listed below.
Penalization and Chatting Experiance
Firstly we come to chatting or messaging, In this Android 7.0 comes with over 1,500 different emoji built into Android, including 72 new ones which means now you can express yourself more accurately. Secondly, Quick Settings gives you easy access to things like bluetooth, WiFi and the all-important flashlight. With Android Nougat, you can actually control what tiles go where, and move ‘em around to fit your needs.
When replying to work emails or making plans with friends or searching something on your smartphone you can do all these tasks very easily on your phone with Android 7.0 Nougat new features like Multi-window, Direct reply, and Quick switch.
- Multi-window: You can Run two apps side-by-side on your smartphone with this feature.
- Direct Reply: Reply directly to notifications without having to open any app.
- Quick Switch: Switch between your two most recently used apps by simply double tapping the Overview button.
Also Read:How to Get Android 7.0 Nougat On Nexus Devices Just Now ?
To keep your private data private Android 7.0 nougat come with some new features namely Seamless updates, File-based encryption and and Direct Boot. All these features improves the performance and security of your phone.
- Seamless updates: Now in Android 7.0 Nougat software’s can be installed in background which means now you won’t have to wait for the device to install and optimize the new software for your phone.
- Direct Boot: It helps your device startup faster, Moreover, apps run securely even before you unlock your device when your device reboots.
- File-based encryption: Android Nougat can better isolate and protect files for individual users on your device.
Also Read: LG V20 Officially Confirmed With Android 7.0 Nougat
More Powerful Virtual Reality Option
Android Nougat is Designed to give for powerful Virtual Reality experience with the Daydream platform for VR headsets. Moreover, nougat also includes VulkanTM (an advanced 3D rendering API) which provides the next level graphics to the games with the help of device’s Multi-core processor.
Battery Improvement
The Doze feature which comes in Android 6.0 Marshmallow last year made more effective in the latest Android Nougat. Now when your phone jostled around in your pocket or bag while on the move, then your Phone automatically moves to the low power usage state.