Telegram is one of the most popular cloud-based messaging app available for smartphones. However, not so many would be aware of the existence of Telegram X, which is nothing but can be said as an extended edition of the Telegram. The Telegram X is now getting major improvements in the name of April Update.
While the changes are many with the latest Telegram X, the notable includes revamped notifications and improved multi-account capability. Telegram calls them as Notifications 2.0 and Multi-Account 2.0.
The changelog given on Google Play Store is soon:
Speaking of the notifications 2.0. Telegrams say notifications have been rebuilt from scratch, bringing improved behaviour & reliability, new features & customizations, and reduced background battery usage. There’re some highlights such as notifications now work when there’s no connection with Telegram servers, ability to hide notifications from private chats, optimized notifications on Samsung devices with edge-screen and so on.
Other improvements are,
Telegram X: Google Play Store