The CEO and founder of Telegram officially made the features available, a day after Pavel Durov said that an update had been under review by Apple for two weeks.
“After extensive media coverage of my previous post, Apple got back to us with a demand to water down our pending Telegram update by removing Telemoji — higher quality vector-animated versions of the standard emoji” note posted by Pavel Durov on his Telegram channel.
Durov also said that it is an intricated approach from Apple because the Telemoji feature is believed to be a game-changing feature that would have brought different dimensions to its static low-resolution emoji and greatly benefitted their ecosystem.
Durov also added “But it is good for Telegram long term, as we will now make Telemoji even more unique and recognizable. Besides, we have included 10 other emoji packs in today’s update — together with the ability for any user to upload their own emoji,”
He highlighted it as a fascinating engineering situation that ensures hundreds of vector-based emoji could play simultaneously on any mobile phone screen with flawless animation.
Telegram says that it is the first company to execute this model in a mobile application.
The user will be soon getting features where they can add custom emoji as a reaction to messages and display an emoji next to their name as the current status. This feature will be available to their premium subscribers first.