Telegram Gets the New update in which Unsend Recently Sent messages support and Gboard Support is packed. The update take Telegram to the version 3.1.16. You can also see the network usage statistics of Telegram on both Android and iOS devices.
Coming to the Unsend feature, It allows you to unsend any weird messages you shared within the last 48 hours. For example if you have sent some sticker mistakenly, you can now unsend that in 48 hours. In Network usage mode you can see your data consumption while in roaming or wi-fi.
Moreover, Telegram for Android now features Gboard support, you can send and receive GIFs. Devices running on Android 7.1.1 Nougat will be able to display a fast action menu with frequent chats on the home screen.
Few days back Telegram ends the support for the older Android versions. To download the latest version of the App go through the Play store link below.