Telegram app for Android and iOS is now receiving a new update that comes with loads of new features. It now lets users schedule their voice chats in channels in advance.
The new update for the Telegram app started rolling out at the beginning of this month and came along with this new feature. The users can schedule their live group audio interactions in advance. A timer appears at the top of the channel for members after the upcoming live group audio is scheduled.
The users need to tap on the menu icon in the top right corner and select Start Voice Chat. They will find the Schedule Voice Chat option at the bottom and this way they can schedule a voice chat for channels.
Telegram is now adding the support of eight popular payment service providers including Stripe, Yandex, Payme, et cetera. The users can now pay directly from within a chat and use its in-app payments system.
Another new feature that comes along with the new update is pinch and zoom on an image. The users can now directly pinch and zoom on an image in their chats without opening it in full screen by tapping on it. It allows the users to rewind the video by pressing and holding the right side of the screen. They can also fast-forward it by pressing and holding the left side of the screen. The users can now jump forward or backward by 10 seconds in a video. They can do so by double-tapping on either side of the screen in the Android version.
The users can update the Telegram app to the latest version not only from the Play Store but also from the page.