Tasker is one of the most interesting app as well as a popular one among ones who love automation. It is one of the best automation apps over the Google Play Store. The recent update has even made it more interesting. It has got a sort of makeover. As apart from its automation features it had an old UI. But the developers have now brought major changes in it.
We usually love many apps and fine them useful but sometimes the price tag stops us from buying it. But for those who have been thinking to buy Tasker but did not due to price tag then I have a good news for you. The app is available at a price of 99 cents. Well, just 99 cents for such a feature rich app is actually like going for it without having any second thoughts.
The recent update brought about many changes to it. It is a long list to mention. Now the users can even change the the themes after the update like the modern apps.
But guys you need to keep one thing in mind that the sale will be on for the next 5 days. So if you want this feature loaded app at such a low price then go for it.
You can download it over the Play Store