T-Mobile Offers Unlimited High Speed data for Rio Olympics in Brazil

T-Mobile Offers High Speed data for the Rio Olympics in Brazil. T-Mobile just announced Simple Choice plan customers with unlimited high-speed data throughout Brazil from August 1. You just need to activate the roaming while in Brazil to enjoy the unlimited high speed data.

Also Read:T-Mobile New Tourist Plan gives you 1,000 minutes of calls inside the U.S and Unlimited Texts

Moreover, T-Mobile comes up with a special offer for the Families with Athletes i.e company gives free Galaxy S7 edge and Gear 360 bundles to families of U.S. athletes with free T-Mobile services. T-Mobile services will be given to first 100 family members for their Rio trip.

To avail this offer you need to send an email to RoamFreeInRio@t-mobile.com with the following details.

  1. Your name
  2. The name of the athlete you’re related to
  3. Dates you’ll be in Rio

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Sukhraj Singh
He loves writing and always create useful information for users. He writes about Smartphones and other technical stuff. He also writes at Googlechromecast.com and TheGadgetSquare and developed various websites including E-comms, Informational, and blogs.


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