Sony Xperia Tablet Z launched at MWC 2013 with same specifications as that of its Mobile Variant. Sony has uploaded full video of the Xperia Z Tablet Torn down. Company has revealed all pasrts of the device in the Video. take a look at the video Below:
Video above is of 3 mins and 17 seconds showcases all parts of the Xperia Z Tablet. In video a guy from Sony dissembles all parts of the tablet one by one, from backcover to headphone jack. The back cover is held together with an adhesive seal, and held to the battery with a double-sided tape. But there’s plenty of glue and tape which binds the Xperia Tablet Z together, So it make us believe that its repairability score might not be very high.
Additionally, Sony Xperia Z tablet will be available from the May in US side and soon it will be heading to Asia.