Snapchat is rolling out Limitless snap feature in its latest update. Earlier You had up to 10 seconds to enjoy a photo or video that was sent to you. But with this new limitless snap feature you can view photo or video in a snap on a loop until they choose to close it. It is named as Infinity feature in the app.
However, once receipt finish seeing your snap it will delete usual. There is one more feature added in the app i.e . there is a loop tool called play once or Play Forever. If you select play forever, video will start playing in loop until your friend taps to the next Snap.
This is the first major update since the Snapchat CEO’s Controversial Remark on India and Spain row pops up on the web. But the app has recovered from the downfall in India Recently. Moreover, Facebook has update all their apps like Facebook app it self, Instagram, FB Messenger and Whatsapp with the same Snapchat like features recently. This may be the reason behind adding Infinity feature in the app. Although Snapchat needs some more tools like these to compete with all the other apps.