Today, Samsung Electronics has officially announced that it has successfully developed industry’s first 10nm 8GB LPDDR5 DRAM. It is to note that Samsung was first off to introduce the first 8GB LPDDR4 back in 2014 and the mass production started in late 2016. According to the company, LPDDR5 standard will be used in forthcoming next-generation devices and supports 5G and AI-powered mobile apps.
With this announcement, Samsung also highlighted the key achievements of the 8GB LPDDR5 DRAM.
The upcoming 10nm 8GB LPDDR5 DRAM is said to achieve transfer speeds up to 1.5 times faster than DRAM chips currently being used in flagship devices. It facilitates data transfer rate of 6,400Mb/s compared to LPDDR4X which has the data transfer rate of 4,266Mb/s. It is said to offer lightning fast data transfer speeds of around 51.2Gb/s (equivalent to sending approx. 14 full-HD video files (3.7GB each), in a second.
It will be available in two bandwidths – 6,400Mb/s at a 1.1 operating voltage (V) and 5,500Mb/s at 1.05V. The company was able to achieve increased performance through architectural remodeling.
Samsung has also worked on doubling the number of memory banks, the subdivisions within a DRAM cell, from 8 to 16, and thereby resulting in substantial higher speed with moderate power consumption.
The all-new 10nm 8GB LPDDR5 employs a highly advanced, speed-optimized circuit architecture that ascertain and ensure achieving ultra-high-speed performance.
In order to boost power savings, the LPDDR5 DRAM has been developed in a way that it can reduce its voltage in compatibility with the operating speed of the processor. It also equips a ‘Deep Sleep Mode’ which is more efficient than the present ‘Idle Mode’ on the LPDDR4X DRAM. It saves battery life by accomplishing at least 30 percent power savings.
The 10nm LPDDR 5 DRAM will be UHD compatible for all mobile devices worldwide. Its mass production is expected to start soon in Samsung’s manufacturing facility in Pyeongtaek, Korea.