Samsung Pay Mini will be released on Android and iOS in next Month

Samsung will launch its Samsung pay Mini to Android and iOS platforms by next month. Samsung’s new payment service will be compatible for non-Samsung Android device and iPhones as well.

Samsung Pay MiniSamsung Pay Mini


The reason behind the launch is that Samsung pay is more usually used on offiline stores. Although Samsung Pay is supporting online payments since February, percentage of online payments is lower than Samsung Electronics initial goal. Its percentage is not even 20% out of all payments. Also if one were to use Samsung Pay to make online payments, he or she has to go through somewhat complicated procedures. Although this information is not official yet.

Also Read:Samsung Pay Coming to the U.K. and Spain along with Galaxy S7

Samsung Pay Mini will be available on all devices running on Android 6.0 and above. On the other hand it will be compatible with iOS 9 and above. However, Android Pay is available for the Android devices and it is already operational in US and UK.Where as Apple pay is also operational in US.

Also Read: Samsung Pay Adds Support for 39 New US Banks

Although the Source tells the detailed information about the Samsung Pay, but we still dosen’t have any specific date for the launch of Samsung Pay Mini on Android and iOS Devices. Stay Tuned for more information.

Sukhraj Singh

He loves writing and always create useful information for users. He writes about Smartphones and other technical stuff. He also writes at and TheGadgetSquare and developed various websites including E-comms, Informational, and blogs.

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