Samsung Patents a Smartwatch based vein-scanning Technology

Samsung Patent’s a smartwatch based vein-scaning technology. Which can be alternative to fingerprint scanners for biometric security on wearables. Samsung already patents many ideas and invention in the gadgets.


The Patent details a wearable that emits a light to the back of the hand and than camera which is on the sides of the wearable will used to capture and structure the pattern of veins on the hand. Whenever it needs to establish identity it will take an image and compare it with the one in its memory same as in fingerprint sensor which also compares the print to the one in its memory.


Vein matching not only provides more data points for verification, it also a truly contactless biometric system, meaning skin conditions can’t affect the reading in this technology. Like anyone with wet hand and the reading of this technologies. Although there will be some challenges to apply this technology on wearables, but still we here at GoAndroid are very excited to see this technology in future wearable

Sukhraj Singh
Sukhraj Singh
He loves writing and always create useful information for users. He writes about Smartphones and other technical stuff. He also writes at and TheGadgetSquare and developed various websites including E-comms, Informational, and blogs.


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