Categories: AndroidMobilesSamsung

A Samsung Galaxy S4 Catches Fire, Counterfeit Battery To Blame

There have been many reports of people’s mobile phones catching fire while being charged but this incident here is quite different. A 13-year old girl from Texas named Ariel Tolfree woke up in the night because she smelled something burning and to her surprise, it was her Galaxy S4 kept under her pillow that was set ablaze. The fire even burnt a hole in her pillow but luckily, Ariel escaped unhurt as she woke up just after smelling something burning.

The Galaxy S4 was completely burnt and the faulty battery was the source of the fire, which was later found to be a counterfeit and not the one Samsung ships with the Galaxy S4. So all you pointing fingers at Samsung, calm down. Samsung never recommends using a local-made battery with their device and then devices catching fire while running on counterfeit batteries or being charged with counterfeit chargers is not completely a new story.

But it looks like Samsung does not want to take any risks and had decided to look into the matter. They have also offered to replace, the smartphone, the pillow, the mattress and the bedding.

Here’s the news report:

Umpreet Singh

A young blogger, loves to write about cool optimization tricks and Android geek , to guide you through your apk experience.

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  • Ok I understand the faulty battery. But to be honest, sleeping with a cell phone under your pillow is outright stupidity to begin with. *ahem* fire hazard.

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