Categories: AndroidSamsung

Samsung Galaxy S4 Android 4.3 Is Getting “final” Firmware Leak – Build I9505XXUEMJ3

A new unofficial Android 4.3 build ROM is leaked for Galaxy S4 and is available for download and use. We never encourage the use of such ROMs and the damage and issues during the process fall all in your responsibility.


A few hours ago SAMMobiles poster a tweet on Twitter which was actually short enough but was enough to say what it wanted to. The tweet read – “#BREAKING Android 4.3 update Galaxy S4 is close. 1/2 weeks” Also see the screen shot below.


The publication termed that the Official Update is about half a week close to us. and a few hours later it posted a build on its website claiming that roll out window for the Galaxy S4′s Android 4.3 update.

According to the publication, build I9505XXUEMJ3 is “one of the final builds,” but not believing on just another publication we are waiting for Samsung to officially launch the Final build. As we havn’t heard from Samsung for quite a long time.

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Umpreet Singh

A young blogger, loves to write about cool optimization tricks and Android geek , to guide you through your apk experience.

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