Samsung Galaxy Note 7 which is launching some upcoming months has been leaked again. This time, Geekbench has listed the Galaxy Note 7 specs in its directory. After the benchmark, results were upload on July 07 2016.
SM-N930R6, which is believed to be a variant of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has been leaked. As per the spec sheet, this variant is coming with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820, a quad-core CPU, and the Adreno 530 GPU. The device consists 4GB of RAM on board, although we do expect the phablet to sport 6GB of RAM when it is launched. Android 6.0.1 is inbuilt on the Phablet device.
As per the test’s result, then Single Core gained 23330 score while multi core catches up 5360.
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 variant for the U.S. and China will include the Snapdragon 820 SoC while the Exynos 8893 chipset will be employed elsewhere.