After updating the high-end and mid-range flagships, Samsung has shifted its focus to entry-level smartphones. Recently, the company released the latest stable channel to its lower devices like Galaxy A20s. The next in line is Galaxy M01s that is receiving the Android 11 update tossed with Core One UI 3.1. The handset debuted last year in June with Android 9 (Pie) onboard.
The latest update for the Galaxy M01s is unfurling in India through the firmware version M017FXXU2CUG1 that weighs around 1.4GB in size. Apart from the Android 11 features and Core One UI goodies, the package also cultivates the July 2021security patch to the device.
The update log mentions a handful of new features, changes, enhancements, and optimizations concerning changes. Android 11 adds smart traits like chat bubbles, a dedicated conversation section in the notification area, one-time permissions, a native screen recorder, several new device controls, and a lot more.
Talking about Core One UI 3.1, it is the lighter version of One UI 3.1. Samsung tags this version as “focus on what matters.” The lighter version arrives with a redesigned UI, improved performance, and better customizations. These performance improvements will help the apps to run quicker while consuming less battery power.
As the update is heavy in size, we advise the users to keep their smartphones connected to a strong Wi-Fi connection. Also, keep your device charged at least 60%. As usual, the OTA build will hit the Indian units of Galaxy M01s in a short span of time. Alternatively, you can track the new package manually via phone Settings -> Software update > Download and install.