Samsung has just recently refined its software update policy. As its result, Samsung assured monthly security update for its flagship devices instead of the quarterly update tradition followed so far. Yeah, pretty good move by the Korean Giant. Now, it seems the Korean Giant is keen to be in good-book in terms of providing major OS upgrade as well. Latest reliable reports from Sammobile indicates that Samsung has kick-started development of Android Oreo for the Galaxy S8.
Not the Note 8, its Galaxy S8!
We’d expected that the recent flagship, Galaxy Note 8 could be the first to taste Android Oreo from Samsung. However, since the development of Android Oreo started for the S8 earlier than expected. The flagship is going to be the first to be blessed with Android Oreo, instead of the Galaxy Note 8.
Reports also provide us with the firmware version of Oreo update as well. According to the source, G955FXXU1BQI1 and G950FXXU1BQI1 ought to be the respective Oreo builds of the Galaxy S8+ and the Galaxy S8. However, the precise time-frame when the update will hit the devices is not mentioned as they are not sure about it.
Furthermore, there is a great probability of Samsung conducting an Oreo Beta Programme for S8 users. Similar to the one it conducted before initiating the wider roll-out of stable Nougat, last year.
Samsung’s version of Android is totally different from the Stock Android by Google. As the firm customizes it a lot and rebrand it as Samsung Experience(Formerly Touchwiz). Consequently, takes more time to provide major update for its eligible devices. Anyway, this time Samsung seems to be very well prepared for being one among the early birds to feed Oreo to their respective hatchlings. All the best Sammy!