Qualcomm added a new member to their mid-range Snapdragon 600 series SoCs in the form of Snapdragon 636. It was only a while back, they announced the Snapdragon 630 and 660, the successors to the last year’s 626 and 653 respectively. But unlike 630, the 636 comes with Qualcomm’s Kryo™ cores instead of ARM’s cortex A series cores.
According to Qualcomm, the new Snapdragon 636 is 40% more powerful than the Snapdragon 630. As well as the GPU performance will be 10% better than the 630. It is an Octa-core processor built on 14nm process consisting of 4 Kryo™ 260 cores at 2.2GHz and 4 Kryo™ 260 cores at 1.8GHZ. It has a X12 LTE modem with maximum downlink and uplink rates of 600 MBps and 256 MBps respectively.
For DSP, it has Hexagon 680 DSP with Qualcomm All-Ways Aware™ technology with support for Caffe / Caffe 2 , Tensor flow and Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine SDK. And For ISP, it comes with Qualcomm Spectra 160 which is a dual 14-bit ISP with Qualcomm® Clear Sight™ camera features, hybrid autofocus, optical zoom and zero shutter lag. As for audio is concerned, it has Qualcomm Aqstic™ audio codec and speaker amplifier. And also comes with Qualcomm® aptX™ audio playback with support for aptX Classic and HD.
It can support FHD+ displays with 18:9 aspect ratio and comes with Adreno 509 GPU for gaming. For memory, it can support upto 8GB of RAM. Finally, it also comes with Quick Charge 4.0 for fast charging capabilities.
The smartphones rocking this new SoC will be prominent next year as the chipset will be available for OEM’s usage from November.