
Pixel 2 users only have unlimited Photos storage till 2020

Did you hear about the Pixel 2 users getting unlimited cloud storage for Photos app at their keynote? Turns out, it’s limited to 2020. That means 3-4 years from now you’ll have to start paying for uploads on the cloud. Earlier Pixel users were promised true unlimited storage with no time constraints. But digging into some Pixel 2 paperwork has led to this new info.

Pixel 2 users only have unlimited Photos storage till 2020Pixel 2 users only have unlimited Photos storage till 2020

Even three years of free high-quality snaps and videos is a good deal. Especially considering people usually change their phones within three years. This is also the reason cited by a Google spokesperson when he was quizzed on the new development.

“This is new for this year. We know that people tend to change their phone every 2-3 years so for Pixel 2, we are offering storage in line with that.” he said.

Now, in case you do keep uploading photos till 2020 with this same Pixel, Google will still preserve their high quality after free-time is over. High-quality uploads mean 16 MP photos and 1080p videos. Anything higher than that and it will be scaled down on Google’s cloud. For now, if you are planning to stick to these Pixel 2s after 2020, then you will have to backup regularly before 2021.


Abdul Qayyum

Hi, I am A. Qayyum. My fascination with new gadgets is older than I can remember. It is also the driving force for me as an Android Tech Blogger. Other obsessions include Italian Pizzas and Clash of Clans.

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