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Google Introduces Nexus Q, Social Streaming Media Player

After Nexus Tablet announcement, Google unveiled another product namely Nexus Q at Google IO 2012, its the first Social Streaming Media Player. It’s an interactive media...

Google Glasses Shown At Google IO With Price Tag Of $1500

Google's augumented Glasses are also present at Google IO where sergery brin came to stage by wearing it. According to Google statement it have...

Attendees At Google IO Getting Nexus Q, Nexus 7 Tablet and Galaxy Nexus Free

Google will provide free Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7 Tablet and Nexus Q free to all Google IO attendees. Nexus 7 Tablet and nexus Q...

Google Play Store have 600,000 Apps and 20 Billion Downloads

Google shared Google Play Store data also at Google IO 2012. According to Google there are currently 600,000 apps in the Google Play Store and 20...

Google And Asus Revealed Nexus Tablet For $199

After loads of rumors now we have official news about Nexus tablet from Google and Asus as they revealed today at Google IO 2012. It...

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean officially unveiled

Google unveiled Android's next version Jelly bean at Google IO 2012. Check out the video above. Project Butter introduces an even smoother Android UI using...

Android Jelly Bean To Be Delivered To Galaxy Nexus, Nexus S and Motorola Xoom in July

After Android 4.1 Jelly Bean official unveiling, Google outed the list of devices which will get it by July and the devices are: Samsung...

Google Play Adds More Features

As according to previous post Google play store now servers 600,000 apps and 1.5 billion apps are downloaded every month with 20 billion installs...

Home Screen Of Jelly Bean Revealed

The latest Android OS automatically arranges onscreen icons around any new widgets or apps you choose to insert. You can also remove widgets by swiping up...

Android Now Have 1 Million Activation Per day

According to new data revealed at Google IO 2012 Android now have 1 million daily activation and it surpasses 400 million mark. from just 100 million last year. Due...
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