OnePlus is rolling out new update to its home built custom Android ROM, Oxygen OS to v2.1. Right now OnePlus 2 is getting the Oxygen OS 2.1 OTA update. It includes various fixes and camera improvements.
It’s an incremental update which means first it will cater to few quantity of devices in particular countries and afterwards it will rollout to different countries, continents, etc.
Here’s the changelog of Oxygen OS 2.1:
- We’ve added manual mode for all you photography enthusiasts. Hope this will give you more control for capturing that perfect moment.
- Raw support is now enabled for 3rd party camera apps that support this format
- There’s a new color balance slider in Display for adjusting the color tone of your screen. You can now go warmer or cooler as you please.
- Added Exchange support.
- We fixed some issues that were causing problems with popular 3rd party apps.
- Telephony service improvements so you no longer get the lag when you turn on/off airplane mode.
This seems to be a huge update for camera app as earlier it was too laggy. The update is rolling out and you can check by manually going to the Settings then update section.
Update: OnePlus is confirming that they are seeing some reports of RAW format still not being supported in 3rd party camera apps. We will investigate this and provide a follow up soon.
Hope one more update will soon hit your devices.