OnePlus One explodes burning user’s hands in the process

After the Note 7 debacle, people have been keeping an eye out for cases of smartphone explosion. Some people have become so cautious they simply don’t buy fast charging or metal body phones which heat up quickly.

oneplus one fire

Recently a OnePlus One caught fire overnight and exploded giving its users some serious 2nd-degree burns. The user going by the name of slr722gts/Froyo on the OnePlus forum posted some disturbing images and videos showing the extent of his injury. This is what he has to say.

oneplus one fire incident

“Well, my one plus one exploded while charging this morning. Almost set my house on fire. The explosion set pillow and blanket on fire as well as carpet……. I got second-degree burn on my left arm and lucky no injury on my face….. I’m still in shock… u see the news but it’s a totally different experience in real life. Support ticket submitted. I was told by online CS that a specialist will contact me soon”. 

Read More:  OnePlus One is Getting July Security Update

A company representative contacted him and offered him a OnePlus 3T in return but the user denied and demanded an investigation in the matter.  

You can check out the Images and Video uploaded by the user on OnePlus Forum.

Abdul Qayyum
Abdul Qayyum
Hi, I am A. Qayyum. My fascination with new gadgets is older than I can remember. It is also the driving force for me as an Android Tech Blogger. Other obsessions include Italian Pizzas and Clash of Clans.


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