OnePlus released the Nord N10 5G smartphone last year with Android 10 pre-installed. The handset is eligible to grab only one major OS update. Accordingly, the Android 11 update for the device was released this year followed by the new OS-based skin, OxygenOS 11. On the bright side, the company never forgets to give regular bumps. This time, OxygenOS 11.0.7 is rolling out to the OnePlus Nord N10 5G.
OnePlus Nord N10 5G is mid-range flagship by the company with the best update support. The OxygenOS 11.0.7 software for the smartphone is rolling out in the global markets and the US for the T-Mobile network variants.
As far as changes are concerned, the package does not carry any such significant or noticeable changes. Although, it protects your phone from external vulnerabilities and security threats by inculcating the July 2021 patch update. The security updates do not bring along any visible changes. However, it does defend your phone from third-party threats and maintains your privacy. The vulnerabilities range from high and moderate to severe flaws. In addition, the build improves system performance and stability as well.
As always, OnePlus has started to push the update in batches. Accordingly, it will reach out to a limited number of users at first. After ensuring its stability, the version will have a wider rollout in a few days. To avoid the wait, you can head over to Settings > System updates to track it manually.