
Nuance ends support for Swype Keyboard on Android & iOS

Nuance Communications, the developer behind Swype Keyboard has proclaimed the end of support for the keyboard. Hereafter, the keyboard won’t be further updated on the Google Play Store nor on the iOS AppStore. Obviously, the news ought to hit the users who’re fond of this popular keyboard and perhaps, is the default input keyboard on their devices.Swype KeyboardSwype Keyboard

In fact, the action was taken by Nuance so as to focus on AI solutions for sale directly to businesses. Future plan of the organization is to develop and support its own dictation software in vehicles and medical equipment. It’d even opted out from the Swype+Dragon collaboration to self-sustain in the area of Artificial Intelligence.

The Swype keyboard was so far doing pretty well on the Play Store. It’d acheived the 1M downloads milestone and is the proof of its acceptance. Moreover, in certain Huawei devices the Swype is an in-built default keyboard.

That said, if you’re one among those folks who’ve a great attachment towards this keyboard. All we have to say is, it’s time to move on. Or else, stick with the Swype without any further improvements for days until you get bored. But still, there are better alternatives such as GBoard, Google Indic Keyboard, SwiftKey and many others available on both Play Store as well as AppStore.




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