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Nexus 5, Nexus 7 and HTC One M8 GPE Android 4.4.3 OTA File Available For Flashing

As we know Google has been rolling out Android 4.4.3 update to various Nexus devices including Nexus 5 also. But some users haven’t recieved the update and this is for them. Now, Nexus 5 Android 4.4.3 OTA file is available for downloading.


YOu can directly flash the latest version of the Android by flashing the file on your Nexus 5. Before flashing you need to check your software firmware version and it should be Android 4.4.2 KOT49H. This is an incremental update, meaning that you won’t flash a full factory image, so you will get to keep all your data intact. The 92MB update will bring your device to Android 4.4.3 KTU84M.

Similarly here are download links of Android 4.4.3 OTA for other devices:

Additionally, the Android 4.4.3 build for Nexus 5 is labeled KTU84M, while the Android 4.4.3 build for Nexus 4, Nexus 7 (2012 and 2013), and Nexus 10 is labeled KTU84L.

Share your views after flashing to the latest version via comments below.

Simranpal Singh

With a decade-long journey in the tech industry, I've been actively engaged in tech reporting across various reputable publications. He currently works as a Web Developer at RightNode Media and pursues his hobby of writing on GoAndroid. Enjoy travelling, and always excited about new tech trends. He actively contributes on GizmoChina and GChromecast Hub.

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