OnePlus 6/6T might not be the latest OnePlus devices out in the wild, but that doesn’t cause OnePlus to avoid them altogether. The Chinese firm has been improving its last year’s devices by bringing certain new features that debuted with OnePlus 7 Series. For instance, the OnePlus 6/6T were blessed with the screen-recorder feature similar to OnePlus 7 Series not so long ago. That said, OnePlus has now pushed a new update to the OnePlus 6/6T beta channel bringing various improvements.
The latest OxygenOS Open Beta 21 for OnePlus 6 and 13 for the OnePlus 6T carry same changelog, which is given below.
Mainly, improvements have been made in Screen Recorder and Weather app. As mentioned, now users might see FPS option for the screen recorder to better have a precise control. In Weather app, overall experience is getting improved by smooth scrolling and other organizational changes.
Apart from these changes, OnePlus had made under-the-hood optimisations and improvements all for good. So, OnePlus 6/6T users on beta channel can download the OTA update which comes in at around 112MB in size to experience the changes.