Categories: AndroidMotorola

Motorola Moto G Gets the KitKat 4.4.2 Update

Mototrola G is a really good device from Motorola, and that is the only reason it really got many positive reviews. But now there is something more interesting about the device, yes the Moto G is finally getting the Android 4.4.2 Kitkat update.


Motorola recently announced, that the update is ready for the device. And with this update users can enjoy even more faster and also more secure smartphone.Many more new features been included into the update like the full screen mode, new hangouts app, and also better gallery photo editing app.

And the device cost about $180 and with this update it makes it a better deal to go with. And to the Moto G owners who did not receive the Update Notification, then you might perform a manual check, by navigating into the settings menu, and then tapping on “About phone”, and then “System Updates”, and then you might be bale to update the device. So get into your WiFi zones and start downloading, and also share how it feels on the KitKat?


Umpreet Singh

A young blogger, loves to write about cool optimization tricks and Android geek , to guide you through your apk experience.

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