Motorola has launched the Moto E4 formally without any official announcement in India. The Moto E4 along with its bigger sibling Moto E4 Plus was launched internationally in June. Here no official announcement means the device is already available in retail stores. At global launch, it was priced at $129.99 and retail stores in India are quoting a price of Rs. 8,999.
The Moto E4 was expected to arrive in India following global launch and it is here. Now, it’s turn for the Moto E4 Plus to land on Indian shores. The company is close to launching the big battery phone as is being signaled by the Motorola’s official account. It was launched at a price of $179.99 globally.
Rounding up the specs, the Moto E4 adorns some great features like water resistance, a fingerprint sensor, and Android 7.1 Nougat at an affordable price.
The 5 incher has a metal body much resembling the Moto G5, but smaller in size. It has a 5-inch screen with HD resolution and 2.5D curved glass protection. Further, it has a Snapdragon 425 SoC with Adreno 308 GPU, 2 GB of RAM, 16 GB of storage and micro SD card slot.
Coming to the camera department, the phone has an 8 MP rear camera with f/2.2 aperture and MP front camera with LED flash. It is fuelled by a 2,800 mAh lithium battery. Also, the ultra-affordable device from Motorola also supports 4G VoLTE out of the box.