
Microsoft integrates Cortana with Skype in Latest Update

Major companies are now concentrating more on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Assistant. They are bringing the Virtual Assistant experience to almost everything like smartphones, speakers, PCs, etc . And today, Microsoft announced that its Virtual Assistant Cortana‘s integration with Skype for Android as well as iOS is now live.

skype with cortanaskype with cortana

The integration is somewhat similar to Google Assistant in Google Allo. Cortana will show you suggestions while chatting with other user. The suggestions include movie reviews, restaurant options and smart replies. In addition to that, it can even schedule events and set reminders within the chat.

You can also chat with Cortana one to one as it will be now available as a contact. Thus, you can ask questions to Cortana as per your needs and get answered. All basic Cortana commands are supported such as “What’s the weather like?” , “Show me tech news” , “Show me Microsoft stock” and plenty more. You can even check for your flight status and restaurant suggestions.

Skype is the most used video calling application across the world and the Cortana integration makes it even better.As of now, the integration is only live in the United States and will be gradually rolled out to other regions.

Source : Microsoft

Sudarshan R

Just another random tech-savvy person.

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