Recently, Motorola had launched Moto Z Plus, Moto Z, Moto G, Moto G Plus and Moto Z Play Globally and some in few particular markets. It seems, There’s a great development going on in the Motorola as they are coming with pretty different devices.
As per the rumors, there’s a new device named, Moto M which is in development. It features full Metal body with Snapdragon 625, 4GB of RAM, 64GB storage, microSD slot, and a massive 5100mAh battery on board. Moto M seems to be Mid-High range device with some premium feel with metal.
We can say it as the refined version of the Moto G 2016 with some more RAM and refined look.
It also going to house 5100mAh battery and the power-efficient 14nm Snapdragon 625 should result in remarkable battery life, one that could outshine even the Moto Z Play.
This 5.5 inch FHD device seems to be coming our way in the month of September. Well, it could be a Christmas offering from Motorola.