LG has announced X Screen and X Cam smartphones ahead of MWC 2016. Company is also preparing hard for “Play Begins” event as we got to know that they are coming with LG Tone Platinum.
LG Tone Platinum is a Bluetooth headset which allows you to get premium sound from its sleek aluminum finish adds a premium look and feel to the device while its ergonomic design allows users to wear the headset for hours without discomfort.
LG Tone Platinum is packed with aptX™ HD Audio Codec which aims to deliver CD-like quality audio over Bluetooth that faithfully reproduces the full audio bandwidth and minimizes latency by significantly reducing the bit rate without affecting sound quality.
It is going to be made available in the U.S. by March. It will also come to Europe and Latin America afterwards.
Let’s wait for MWC 2016 to get the hands on for this beautiful device which LG has just announced.