LG Begins Rolling out Android Marshmallow for its G Pad X8.3 on Verizon
LG Begins Rolling out Android Marshmallow for its G Pad X8.3 on Verizon. The Tablet has comes with Android Loillipop out of the Box. Now Verizon Marshmallow update for the X8.3 is starting to roll out OTA to the tablet, pushing the software version to VK81522A.
The new marshmallow update includes all the basic features of Android Marshmallow. Full changelog of LG G Pad X8.3 OTA update is listed below.
Now on Tap – Instantly pull up relevant information cards.
Runtime Permissions – A new feature used to further help protect your privacy. Certain apps will now request your permission to use features on the phone.
Silent Mode – The Sound profile can now mute the phone in Silent Mode. Just swipe down on the home screen to display the Quick Settings then tap the Sound icon, or press the Volume Down key until the sound is set to silent.
Do Not Disturb – You can easily configure interruptions by tapping Settings > Sound & notification > Do not disturb.
Priority only blocks all interruptions except those from contacts and apps that you flag as important.
Total silence blocks all interruptions, including priority and alarms.
Direct Share – You can now share directly to a contact or conversation within supported apps.
Text Edit Options – Select any word or phrase and you’ll be given multiple editing options: cut, copy, paste, share.
Screenshot Deleting – Delete unwanted screenshots without having to go to gallery.
Google Settings – Google apps and services can now be managed in Settings > Google.
Available Storage Display – It’s easy to find out how much storage space is on your device. Go to Settings > Storage & USB to see internal storage and USB storage when applicable.
The Update has starts rolling out for LG G Pad X8.3. In case you did not get the OTA notification yet, don’t panic because the update is rolling out in Batches and will reach you in some time and in meantime check it manually by going through the settings of your tablet.
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