Huawei Honor 8 pro which was launched in India earlier this year will get Android oreo Update. Along with Honor 8 last year device from the company will also get the Oreo Update. As the update for both these devices are confirmed by the CEO of Honor, George Zao in an interview.
Huawei has launched already launched few devices which are running on Android 8.0 Oreo out of the box. Company has even rolled out oreo update to some its devices. So now we hope that Honor 8 and Honor 8 Pro will get the Oreo update very soon. The Oreo update is packed with Picture in Picture mode, auto fill, notification channels, new revamped settings app, new notification centre and several others.
However, the exact date is not given on which the update will release. But CEO of Honor says the software is in testing mode for both these phones and they will get the oreo update very soon. Moreover, recently launched Honor 7X will also get Oreo very soon.