Categories: AndroidHTCMobiles

HTC: Thunderbolt “Soon” Will Get Ice Cream Sandwich

htc thuderbolt ics htc thuderbolt ics

HTC is coming out soon with Ice Cream Sandwich for HTC Thunderbolt. Today HTC USA replied to a user tweet saying that  “ICS will be here soon. Thanks for your continued patience!”.

If this will be than it would be great respite for users who still owns this aged device from HTC. Except above excerpt no more information is passed on but we now have confirmation that Verizon and HTC didn’t scrap the update after they missed the promised August release date.

Here’s the tweet see yourself:

HTC Source points out that HTC may rollout ICS update to HTC Thunderbolt on its 2nd anniversary at CES 2013. Hope this might be true. What you think guys? Who still owns Thunderbolt?

Simranpal Singh

With a decade-long journey in the tech industry, I've been actively engaged in tech reporting across various reputable publications. He currently works as a Web Developer at RightNode Media and pursues his hobby of writing on GoAndroid. Enjoy travelling, and always excited about new tech trends. He actively contributes on GizmoChina and GChromecast Hub.

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