HTC has posted its Q4 2016 financial reports. As usual, they have posted loss of NT$3.6 Billion in Revenue in the last quarter. They managed to earn NT $22.6 Billion in revenue but could make any profit , instead they lose NT$3.6 Billion.
The loss in the last quarter was bigger than the Q3 2016 but significantly lower than the first two quarters of 2016. In Q4 2016, the company had little to show in terms of interesting products, launching only a select few low- and mid-rangers, a fact reflected by its sales numbers.
HTC has emphasised that they have reduced the operating expenditure by 34%.
HTC is working in different ways to churn out profit. They have stepped into the VR market with the launch of HTC Vive. They are even eager to launch new HTC U series devices after HTC U Ultra and U Play. They have even launched their own virtual AI assistant, HTC Companion.
Hope these efforts would brings the HTC’s red graph into green in the coming time.