Categories: AndroidHTCLG

HTC One and LG G Pad 8.3 GPE Get KitKat 4.4.2

Google just released an update to the KitKat version of the Android Platform a couple of days ago, and the good news is the update is seeding in some of the non nexus devices too.

The Google Play Edition of the HTC One and also the LG G Pad 8.3 will be getting the update for the Android 4.4.2. THe update is about 50 MB heavy and probably by now you should be getting the Notification to update, so hit your Wi-Fi zones. And if still the Notification for the update doesn’t show up in the Notification bar, you can manually check for the update in the Settings>About>Updates.

This is not a major update, and it is pretty evident from the Version number, as it is a minor number added into. And it would be fixing some of the bugs in the previous version of the OS. There are some tweaks added too, but the update mainly focuses on the increased stability and tweaking abilities.

If you own either of these devices, do share your views after update your devices in the comment section below.


Umpreet Singh

A young blogger, loves to write about cool optimization tricks and Android geek , to guide you through your apk experience.

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