The HTC One E8 was announced yesterday which is the plastic covered version of its flagship smartphone, the HTC One M8. Apart from the plastic covering, the E8 has a 13MP camera instead of the duo-camera technology in M8.
For all the E8 enthusiasts out there who could not have a good look at the device, you have a reason to rejoice. Thanks to the China-based iGeek, we have some photographs from a detailed photoshoot of the E8.
The device, which is currently available only in China is surely something we’d like to look forward to. Even though moulded in plastic, the device is widely anticipated all over the globe. It is however still unclear when will HTC start shipping the device to other countries. But the price tag is expected to be significantly lesser that that of its elder sibling, the One M8.
The M8 is currently available for a hefty $847 in China while the E8 is available for almost half its price at $447.The price is quite reasonable for a device that mimics the M8 in almost every way and has shed the infamous duo-camera technology.