
Google One – A premium cloud storage space to replace Google Drive

Google has announced the launch of a new cloud service monikered as Google One. In a bid to integrate all of its cloud enabled service such as Google Drive, Photos, GMail and so on under a hood. The Google One will perhaps replace the existing Google Drive plans soon. In a sense, it’s a paid cloud solution offering expanded storage coupled with “extra benefits.” Let us see what all changes does the Google One brings to the table.Google One - A premium cloud storage space to replace Google DriveGoogle One - A premium cloud storage space to replace Google Drive

Google says, the increasing demand for storage space due to advanced mobile phones, and new file formats like 4K video and high-res photography paved way for the Google One. Since people are storing more than ever before, and cloud based services expanding day by day: “We’re introducing Google One, a simple plan for expanded storage that includes extra benefits to help you get more out of Google”, the California based giant added.

Initially, Google One will only be available on a limited basis. The service is currently live in the U.S. but will slowly expand to other regions later this year. If you have a paid Drive storage plan, you’ll be automatically upgraded to Google One over the coming months.

Google One plans will start at 100 GB for $1.99, 200 GB for $2.99, and 2 TB for $9.99 per month, while pricing for plans larger than 2TB will remain the same. (Existing 1 TB Drive plans will be upgraded to 2 TB at no extra cost.)

Already Google has made many announcements at the Google IO 2018 from Android to Gmail and many others.

Extra Benefits with Google one:

  • Access to Google experts, plus extra benefits: One-tap access to the experts on any product related issues or confusion regarding the service. Also, access to extras from other Google products, like credits on Google Play or deals on select hotels found in Google Search. And lots more benefits to come over time.
  • Easy to share with your family: Google one allows to share plans among family members or friends. One can add up to five family members under the plan, so as to simplify storage under one bill. Everyone gets their own private storage space as well as the additional benefits of Google One.

Google One is a new initiative. Hence, as said earlier, it’s accessible only in the U.S. as of now. But, Google has promised that it will bring the facililty to ramaining people as soon as possible.


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