Google Nexus 7 International Giveaway

As we all know Google launched Nexus 7 last year and geeks around the world accepted it with loud applause. Due to its popularity, the Nexus 7 became one of the most popular Android tablets on the market today.


As a reminder Nexus 7 consists 7 inch display having resolution of upto 1280 by 800 and its is designed for gaming. You will get 16 GB of internal storage and 1 GB of RAM which boosts its NVIDIA Tegra 3-Quad-Core Processor. It runs on latest Android version 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. In connectivity you will get NFC, WiFi, Bluetooth and other as usual features. There’s 1.2 MP Front Camera for video chatting. Its battery backup is also excellent, after full charge you can watch 8 hours of HD video playback, 10 hours of web browsing or e-reading, and up to 300 hours of standby time.

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The Google Nexus 7 Giveaway is brought to you by Dragon Blogger Technology Blog Engage the network for bloggers, Hardcore Droid, and EmFastIncome who helps bring information on how to Make Money blogging to online marketers, writers and bloggers. 

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Enter to Win a Google Nexus 7 

Additional Google Nexus 7 Sweepstakes Rules

  1. In addition to rules outlined in the contest, I have added some additional terms.
  2. If you prefer a Kindle Fire HD, then the winner has the option of selecting a Kindle Fire 7″ HD instead of Google Nexus 7 tablet if that is preferred tablet. They are the same price so I am willing to send them the Kindle Fire 7″ HD instead if they prefer it over the Google Nexus 7.
  3. If you live outside the U.S. you will receive $199 USD cash value of the Google Nexus 7 tablet instead of the actual prize via Paypal. This allows me to make sure International readers can enter the giveaway but shipping may not always be available.

Winner: Corey Bean From MO

Simranpal Singh

With a decade-long journey in the tech industry, I've been actively engaged in tech reporting across various reputable publications. He currently works as a Web Developer at RightNode Media and pursues his hobby of writing on GoAndroid. Enjoy travelling, and always excited about new tech trends. He actively contributes on GizmoChina and GChromecast Hub.

View Comments

  • My Asus TF101's age is starting to show so a Nexus 7 Would be a (smaller) but acceptable replacement

  • i really want a nexus 7, oh my mind would be in heaven.
    i'd use it to read the news, books and anything else i choose.
    i'd use it play lots of games, my likes are really not that strange
    angry birds and ff3, it's as wonderful as can be

    if i had a nexus i could grin, it would be better than anything
    it's a google work of art, i'd keep it real close to my heart
    i've got a nexus i could boast, and now i'll finish off this post
    a 16gb nexus 7, with wi-fi i'd be in heaven :)

  • having 2 young boys my Nexus 7 got damaged so a new one would be great. I've still got the box to my N-7 but nothing to go with it. Thanks

  • I have never owned a Nexus device before. I always see through the internet about all the new gadgets, latest Android Features and dream about buying them. Now I just hope I win this Nexus 7 for enjoying and living in the flavor of Android.

  • Coz its nexus and it'd do good with its spec Tegra3,7" not too large just magically perfect, oh and i won't hold it wrong

  • nothing in the market now even compares to the nexus 7!!
    I'd give anything to have one!
    I'll use it as a developing tool for sure!

  • I've now owned 3 Android tablets, going back to a ultra-basic pos. Currently I'm using an Imatsu, which for an entry level tablet isn't bad... it just isn't anything anywhere as good as the Google Nexus 7.

  • nothing in the market now even compares to the nexus 7!!
    I'd give anything to have one! I would use the dock, read news daily, play games, email, connect with friends and family. This is the tool to do it all.

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